Individual Risk Factors
Individual Risk factors Medical studies have identified several risk factors for muscle pain related to the individual. They include your age, gender, inherited characteristics and biosocial issues. As we age our ability to perform work decreases. This is do to a slowing of the energy systems of the body and a decrease in the size of our muscles. Women are at higher risk because of their smaller body frame and workplace that is often designed for taller men. Inherited characteristics would include are body’s ability to heal, our general height and weight, our current physical condition, and associated medical conditions. Associated medical conditions include diabetes, heart and lung conditions, thyroid disease, or arthritis to name a few. These medical conditions interfere with our body’s ability to heal and transport waste. Biosocial issues include our understanding of pain and our behavior for dealing with pain that we learned from our parents. This is why some people feel very little pain and why others feel a lot.